When you hear the word branding, what do you think of? Maybe the first thing that comes to mind is a gorgeous logo or consistent colours. For others, it could only be what your brand is all about: mission statement, core values, etc. There are actually two components of creating a brand. The voice and the visuals.

When you create a mission statement, identify your business goals and decide on an overall tone – you are constructing the voice of your brand. Once this has been established, a designer can then help translate your brand voice into your brand visuals. It’s important that your brand’s identity represents your core values to keep things consistent and to create a recognizable brand that people will remember. Start by thinking of keywords and identifying your target audience.

Visual branding is the face of your brand. You will use elements such as logo variations, colours, textures and photography to create an identity for your brand. Once you have a solid “look”, you can work on building brand awareness by being consistent with the fonts, colours and textures you use in your marketing material. A strong visual brand can be recognized from afar. Think of fast food chains like McDonalds. If you were to catch a glimpse of their ads flying by on the side of a bus or their packaging littered on the side of the road, you would instantly know where it came from.

Your brand voice or core message is what you are all about. It’s not tangible, but it’s what will resonate with your target audience and keep people thinking about you long after they’ve interacted with your business.

When you get into branding, you are putting systems in place that will aid you in representing you and your business, your the mission and your key values. Are you ready to take your brand to the next level? Our team of professionals is here to deliver you a memorable brand that stands out from the rest.

Get started with a free consultation, you can book one here!