Hobby to Hustle!
Your Roadmap to Building Your Brand & Scaling Your Business!
Ticket’s are $20. REGISTER BELOW
We will email your tickets after you register.
Wednesday, June 12th @ 7:00pm
Your business has the potential to be as big as your dreams. In this workshop we’ll be sharing a roadmap to success with tips that have helped 100’s of business owners go full time (or at least full income!) with their small business.
We’ll be including tips on branding, websites, product photography, working with influencers, and building your email list. But most importantly, we’ll show you how to do it without going crazy or getting overwhelmed.
Bring your questions, and get inspired to elevate your brand and scale your business!
Your fee includes a 90 minute session and take home materials. After you make payment, your name will be added to the RSVP list, and you will receive a confirmation email in advance of the event.
Speakers include:
Melinda LeMay of Picks & Giggles
Katie Dempsey of Brand Ambition
Wednesday, June 12th @ 7:00PM
3rd Floor
The Park CoWorking
182 Wellington St. W.
Bowmanville ON
L1C 1W3
*We recommend parking around back, and taking the stairs all the way up to the 3rd floor. Continue walking until you see the cafe space. If you need the elevator, please call 905-419-8881 and someone will come and get you from the main floor.
After you fill out the form – we’ll add you to the guest list, and send you your ticketing information!