Oh My MEOW! What could be more purrfect, that all the cat-themed products that have been curated by Oh My Cat. Her online shop should be a destination for cat lovers, featuring feline trinkets for our furry friends and some cute accessories for the less furry owners.
Their products are genuine, on trend and one of a kind, for sure! It was such a pleasure for us to work with Oh My Cat!

Brand Ambition worked their paws off to assist Oh My Cat with their Branding, Product Promotion and many adorable Photo Shoots!
Here at Brand Ambition, we work with all sorts of clients, but cat lovers are especially welcomed! Oh My Cat’s mission is to come up with cat-tastic products for all the cat lovers out there. The collection of products is assembled by Catherine Kazmir, an experienced designer, whose love for her own cat inspired this fun side business. Catherine had so many ideas for cat-themed products, but without enough time to keep up with all her inspirations, she has opened her e-commerce site to other artists around the world, and now features the quirkiest products desired by cats and owners!

Oh My Cat and Brand Ambition care about our local animals, so we were so excited to partner up with The Humane Society of Durham Region (HSDR) and their Kitty Kare Program. This program allows cat fans to adopt or sponsor a kitten. Sponsoring is a big help to the Humane society as some kittens need medical attention when they arrive at shelters. Donations and sponsoring help with food, milk and medical expenses.
We were so happy to have these adorable kittens at the Brand Ambition photoshoot, for the startup of Oh My Cat!
For more on Oh My Cat or The Humane Society of Durham Region, visit their websites!