Training & Workshops

Helping small business owners upgrade their skills



Social Media for Small Business

Our highest rated program, this workshop has been recently updated with more advanced online skills.  Assuming an understanding of the basics, this class shows you how to engage your audience, grow organically, and best practice for integrating social into your marketing.

Group Marketing Coaching

Each month we’ll be getting together to master a new element of your marketing plan.  We’ll also be addressing your real-world challenges, and completing a social media audit to target quick fixes.  Bring your devices and your questions!

Realtor Admin Certification

Due to our extensive work with real estate agents and brokerages, we have developed a special program to provide admin staff with training in social media, photography, simple design – even video.  Keep your high needs services in house with an admin with modern training.

Small Business Intensive

Work with an experienced marketing coach, and a small group of entrepreneurs to pull together a customized marketing plan for your business over the next quarter.  With everything from suggested promotions and campaigns to posting strategies and budgets, we make sure you’re prepared with expert guidance!

Kim Keller – Marketing Plan

We matched this realtor’s personality and sales style with a visual content strategy designed to amplify her brand and message.

Braden Wheatcroft – Branding

Brokerage owner and real estate coach, Braden Wheatcroft needed to build a visual identity around his podcast, social, free downloads and more. Could we create a brand that would unite all his different initiatives?

Timeless Spaces – Branding

A tall font was in order for this brand to keep the logo condensed, but still elegant. What do you think?

Jasmin Felix – Realtor – Branding

This realtor is going out on her own after a long term business partnership. Could we give her the visuals to feel truly confident in her new launch?

Lumberjacks – Branding

The skilled trades need attractive brands to communicate trust and reliability. Would you trust this company?

Digital on Demand – Mini Brand

This young entrepreneur is launching her new digital courses and personal brand. Will these visuals be enough to cover both initiatives while linking them together?

Voyageur – Branding

Voyageur provides construction services and consulting on Ontario’s infrastructure. It’s very proud of its Aboriginal ownership and its commitment to sustainability and the environment.

Olive & Grains – Branding

Three sisters from Quebec have been working together to open an online grocery store. Could we give them a brand that would work for the shop as well as the packaging for their in-house product line?