Dog Walk Happy – Branding


Dog Walk Happy is becoming an industry leader. This local Brooklin company runs a doggy transportation service – picking up your pooch for an off-leash pack-walk on their 50 acre farm. The popularity of their service means this company is poised to scale, and on the verge of workshops, courses and maybe even franchising. They asked us for a brand that said “Take us seriously as professionals”. We worked with their existing logo, and the rest, is history!


Branding, social media


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Small Batch Soaps – Branding

Small Batch Soaps – Branding

Small Batch Soaps - BrandingSTORY: This maker brand had found personal success - with a storefront and steady online sales. But the popularity of handmade products during the pandemic inspired her to double down and GROW. We helped her professional her brand and...