Re-defined Finds
This successful shop has been in business for several years and was celebrating by updating her interior decor. We were so thrilled when her interior designer at The Inspiration Nest recommended us to update her brand to match! Nominated as one of our brands of the year, this is Re-defined Finds!
See What Else We've Been Working On...
Hart’s Espresso
Hart’s Espresso began as a mobile service, but recently opened its first location in Bowmanville and needed to update its look to match its high-end coffee culture experience.
Nicholls & Associates – Interior Designers
This well-established interior design firm is a leader in its industry. Nicholls & Associates has passed from its founder to a new generation of talent and It needed to be updated while keeping the look recognizable to its long-term clients. We helped to modernize its visuals while paying respect to its heritage.
Managing A Team During COVID-19
As a business owner, my great moments of satisfaction occur when I'm walking through the office while all my employees are hustling. I love the hustle and the energy. Seeing some people with headphones on, deeply focused on a project, while others are grouped around a...
Inner Circle Jane Thuet – Realtor Brand
Real estate agent Jane Thuet was looking for a gender-neutral, black and white brand. Thanks to a great team name, we were able to create this sleek, attractive look that will draw both clients and talented agents to grow the brand.
Online Clinic – Naturopathic Brand
This team of professionals in naturopathic medicine and natural health care are teaming up to create an online resource for clients. This bright, approachable and tech-friendly brand gives everyone access to holistic healthcare – no matter where they live!
John Shields Realtor Branding
This professional masculine real estate brand features a highly symbolic logo. The iconography includes a shield, a Superman symbol, and a men’s tie, all rolled into one!
Bathbomb Chick Rebrand
Bathbomb Chick RebrandINSPIRATION: This brand fully celebrates the modern Instagram aesthetic with playful colours, a touch of weirdness and some badassery for good measure. The font for this brand is inspired by a lipstick message on a bathroom mirror. Overall, we...
Goddess Bakery Brand
This brand is broadly inspired by our client’s family roots in Greece. We used Mediterranean inspired tile patterns, classic faded blues, and pinks, and a hand-drawn goddess.
How To Receive Your Mood Board
When working with our team, the group assigned to your project will collaborate on a concept for your brand visuals. This concept is based on: Your questionnaire responses (Your personal taste & brand story) Current trends in your industry Distinguishing you from...
Choosing Your Brand Colours
There are hundreds of good ways to choose a colour palette for your business. Some branding agencies split brands into "seasons" like cool winter brands or warm summer brands. Other agencies build colour schemes around personality archetypes. At Brand Ambition, we...